Ideal Constitution by Borrowing Global Principles - Article XVI

What if we could create the ultimate constitution by combining the best elements from each nation's founding document? This article dives into that thought experiment

Article XVI: Future Amendments and Ratification

Inspired by the amendment processes in the United States Constitution and Germany’s Basic Law, this final article outlines the procedure for future changes and ratification.

Section 1: Proposing Amendments

1.1 Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a two-thirds majority in the legislative body or by a popular petition signed by a minimum percentage of the electorate, as defined by law.

1.2 Proposed amendments shall be publicly disclosed and debated before any voting occurs.

Section 2: Ratification

2.1 Amendments must be ratified by a two-thirds majority in the legislative body and may require approval in a national referendum, depending on the scope and impact of the change.

2.2 The ratified amendments shall be incorporated into this Constitution and become effective immediately unless otherwise stated.