Ideal Constitution by Borrowing Global Principles - Article VII

What if we could create the ultimate constitution by combining the best elements from each nation's founding document? This article dives into that thought experiment

Article VII: National Defense and Security

Taking cues from constitutions that strongly outline national defense policies like that of the United States, as well as those that emphasize peace and neutrality like Costa Rica, this article aims to establish a balanced approach to national defense and security.

Section 1: National Defense

1.1 The primary responsibility of the Central Government is to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic.

1.2 A military force shall be maintained for defensive purposes and shall operate under civilian control.

Section 2: Peaceful Resolution

2.1 The Republic shall seek peaceful resolution of disputes with other nations and entities through diplomatic channels and international institutions.

2.2 The military shall not be used for aggressive acts against other sovereign nations, except in self-defense or as part of a multilateral force sanctioned by international law.

Section 3: Civil Liberties and Martial Law

3.1 Martial law can only be declared in extreme circumstances, such as invasion or insurrection, and must be approved by a legislative body.

3.2 During martial law, civil liberties shall not be suspended unnecessarily, and any suspension must be for a limited period.

Section 4: Intelligence and Security Services

4.1 Intelligence and security services shall operate under strict legislative oversight to protect the democratic institutions and the liberties of the citizens.

4.2 Such services shall not engage in political activities or domestic surveillance that infringes upon the freedoms and privacy of citizens.

Section 5: Transparency and Accountability

5.1 Budget allocations for defense and security shall be transparent and subject to legislative approval.

5.2 Mechanisms shall be established for whistleblowers and the public to report and investigate misconduct within the military and security services.